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Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
What are Detox and Benefits?

What are Detox and Benefits?

Monday, September 6, 2021
Although detox, which is one of the most talked about and applied nutrition programs in recent years, is used for slimming, it is not actual...
Things to know for a healthy diet

Things to know for a healthy diet

Increasing sedentary life and malnutrition habits with the development of technology lead to obesity, one of the most important health probl...
What should we eat so as not to be sick?

What should we eat so as not to be sick?

In winter, more time is spent in indoor environments, and the physical activity density decreases. There may be undesirable changes in body ...
What is a yogurt diet and how is it applied?

What is a yogurt diet and how is it applied?

With the fermentation of lactose, which is in the natural structure of milk, lactic acid is formed, and the protein in milk is cut, and the ...
What you need to know before starting a diet

What you need to know before starting a diet

Are you dieting for the first time? Or are you one of those who are tired of dieting all the time and call this dietician experience? Or do ...

Ten Foods to Help You Relieve Your Arthritis Pain

Food is medicine. If you are struggling with pain caused by arthritis; Eating foods with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving p...