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What Is Aphtha and How Does It Heal?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Aphtha, also known as mouth sores among the people; It is the name given to ulcers in the mouth that are round, yellow and white, with red edges. Aphthae, which can occur in one or more parts of the mouth, are more common in women than in men. Although hormonal changes, stress, vitamin and mineral deficiency and some diseases are known to cause aphthae, not paying attention to dental and oral health, consuming hard and irritating foods and acidic beverages can also trigger aphtha formation. There are some simple methods that can be applied at home to accelerate the healing of aphthae that can heal spontaneously in about 10 days and to reduce pain. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor for aphthae that does not last for a long time and whose pain becomes severe.

What is aphtha?

Aphthous ulcer, also called aphthous ulcer; It is the name given to oral ulcers that appear on the inside of the lips and cheeks, on the tongue, on the palate or on the gums. It is not contagious, consisting of small lesions with a yellow or red border and a white center. The cause of aphthae, also called mouth sores among the people, is not known exactly. However, it can be said that impact, biting the inside of the mouth, sensitivity to foods, vitamin deficiency, stress, not paying attention to oral and dental health, some diseases and hormonal changes are associated with aphthae. As aphthae occur in sensitive areas in the mouth, it may prevent the person from eating or drinking, and sometimes causes difficulty in swallowing. Aphthae usually go away on their own within 5-10 days, but if the pain of the aphthae is severe and long-lasting, it would be best to consult a doctor about the issue.

Aphthae are classified into three groups according to size and healing time. Minor aphthae, less than 1 cm in diameter, are the most common type of aphthae and heal in a short time without leaving a scar. A major aphtha larger than 1 cm heals in a longer time and may leave scars. Major aphthae can also occur in the pharynx or esophagus. Herpetiform aphtha is a very rare type of aphtha. This aphthae, where multiple ulcers are seen together, heals in 7 to 30 days.

Why Does Aphtha Occur?

It is not known exactly why aphtha occurs. However, some diseases and some environmental factors are thought to cause aphthae. The factors that can cause aphthae can be listed as follows:

*Vitamin and mineral deficiency (folic acid, B12, iron, zinc)

*biting cheek

*Blow the mouth

*Hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation or pregnancy

*Consuming hard or very hot foods

*Stress and anxiety

*Genetic factors

*Food intolerances (gluten, chocolate, milk, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, tomatoes, figs, lemons, strawberries, cow's milk, vinegar, pickles, salty, spicy and spicy foods)

*Soda drinks

*Dentures that do not fit well in the mouth

*Use of braces

*Broken tooth

*Herpes virus

*Some drugs

*Some rheumatic diseases

*Some skin diseases

*Oral cancer

*Celiac disease

*Behcet 's disease

*Stomach microbe

*To smoke

*Weak immune system

How Does Aphtha Heal?

Aphthae are lesions that resolve spontaneously, usually within 7 to 10 days. Simple methods that can be applied to get rid of the pain or discomfort caused by aphthae in a short time are as follows:

*Avoiding irritating, hot, spicy, bitter and acidic foods/drinks

*Take vitamin and mineral supplements

*Avoiding stress

*Grinding with salt or carbonated water

*Applying anesthetic cream used for the mouth on the aphtha before meals

*Using antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor

How Can Aphthous Formation Be Prevented?

The measures that can be taken at home to prevent aphtha formation can be listed as follows:

*Avoiding hard, crusty and irritating foods

*Taking care of oral care

*Going to the dentist regularly

*Keeping the immune system strong by eating a balanced and healthy diet

*No smoking

*Using dental floss

*Not using dentures that do not fit well in the mouth

When to go to the doctor for aphtha?

In cases where the aphthae does not heal within 7 to 10 days despite the precautions taken, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Progressive aphthae can cause some complications, as well as a symptom of serious health problems. In addition, in cases where mouth sores are accompanied by the following symptoms, a doctor should be consulted and the necessary treatment plan should be applied:

*Severe pain


*Aphthous formation in the genital area outside the mouth

*Aphtha lasts longer than 3 weeks and does not heal

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