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What are the benefits and harms of tea?

Monday, September 6, 2021

The benefits of tea

Tea can have many positive effects on the human body with its antioxidant properties. These effects can be listed as follows:

Tea can be beneficial for heart health

Black tea contains an antioxidant group called flavonoid, which is beneficial for heart health. Along with the tea, flavonoids can be found in vegetables, fruits, red wine and dark chocolate. Regular consumption of flavonoids can help reduce many risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, or obesity.

A randomized controlled study found that drinking black tea for 12 weeks reduced triglyceride values ​​by 36%, blood sugar levels by 18%, and reduced LDL / HDL plasma by 17%. Another study found that those who drank three cups of black tea a day had an 11% reduction in risk of developing heart disease.

Tea also appears to be effective in lowering blood pressure. In a randomized, controlled study, those who drank three cups of black tea a day for six months showed a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to the placebo group.

As a benefits Tea can improve gut health

The polyphenols found in black tea can promote the growth of good bacteria, while preventing the growth of bad bacteria such as Salmonella, it can help maintain a healthy gut balance.

In addition, black tea contains intestinal bacteria and antimicrobial properties that increase immunity, which kill harmful substances and help repair the inner surface of the digestive system.

May Help Reduce Stroke Risk

Another interesting result from the studies on black tea is that it reduces the risk of stroke.

A study of 74,961 people over 10 years found that those who drank four or more cups of black tea a day had a 32% lower risk of stroke than those who did not.

As a benefits tea; a study evaluating different studies found that individuals who drink more than three cups of tea (black or green tea) daily have a 21% reduced risk of stroke than those who drink less than one cup of tea a day. Since these results come from observational studies, more studies are needed to confirm.

As a benefits tea can lower blood sugar levels

Since black tea contains molecules that are found to help increase the use of insulin in the body, positive effects on blood sugar have been discovered when it is drunk unflavored.

In a laboratory study on cells, insulin-enhancing properties of tea and its components were investigated. The results showed that black tea increased insulin activity more than 15 times. In addition, a compound called epigallocatechin gallate in tea has been found to improve insulin levels.

The ingredients in tea can act on cancer cells

In a laboratory study, the effects of polyphenols in tea on cancer cells were analyzed. As a result of the study, it has been shown that black and green tea may play a role in regulating cancer cell growth and reducing new cell development.

In another study, the effects of polyphenols in black tea on breast cancer were analyzed. Black tea has been shown to help prevent the spread of hormone-dependent breast tumors.

More research on humans is needed to more clearly determine the link between black tea and cancer cells.

May Improve Focus

Black tea contains caffeine and a molecule called L-theanine, which can increase alertness and focus. L-theanine increases alpha activity in the brain while providing relaxation and better focus.

Harm of black tea

As with any food, consuming too much tea can cause some negative effects. Since everyone’s metabolism, genetic predisposition, and eating habits are different, they may be affected by the possible side effects of tea in different doses.

In other words, some people start to experience some side effects after 3 cups of tea, while others may start to live after 5 cups of tea. Therefore, you need to try what works for yourself.

Low iron absorption

Tea is a beverage rich in a class of compounds called tannins or tannic acid. Tannins can bind iron in foods and cause iron to be blocked from the digestive system. As a result, iron deficiency may occur in your body.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies observed in the world. Therefore, those with low iron levels should pay attention to tea consumption. You can see the benefits of iron in the foods you eat less, especially when you drink tea with breakfast.

Studies show that iron in animal foods interacts less with tannic acid in tea.

On the other hand, absorption of iron obtained from vegetable sources is prevented more by tannins. Therefore, those who follow a vegetarian or even a vegan diet need to pay more attention to how much tea they consume.

While the amount of tannic acid contained in tea varies depending on the type of tea or how it is brewed, the general belief is that less than 3 cups of tea are safe for humans.

If you have a low iron content but still enjoy drinking tea, you can drink tea between meals as an extra precaution. Thus, the possibility of blocking the iron taken at meal times will be reduced.

Increased anxiety, stress and restlessness, and decreased sleep quality

Tea leaves naturally contain caffeine. Although it is known to many people that excessive caffeine consumption causes insomnia, few people know that stress, anxiety and feelings of anxiety can result from caffeine. 240 ml. tea placed in a cup that takes liquid in the size of 11 to 61 mg according to the brewing method. may contain caffeine.

Black teas contain more caffeine than green and white varieties, and the longer the tea is brewed, the higher the caffeine content. Although some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, studies show that doses below 200 mg per day do not cause these counted negative effects.


Intermittent caffeine intake can help ease certain types of headaches. However, when used chronically, it may have the opposite effects. Caffeine consumption should be considered in chronic headaches, the cause of which cannot be explained. For this reason, it can be checked whether the drinks containing caffeine such as tea or coffee are reduced or stopped for a while or not.

Pregnancy complications

Drinking caffeine such as tea during pregnancy may increase the risk of complications such as low and low baby birth weight.

Data on the dangers of caffeine during pregnancy are still not fully established. However, keeping your daily caffeine intake below 200 mg during pregnancy is a useful measure.

If you are pregnant and are concerned about your caffeine or herbal tea intake, you should consult your healthcare provider.

Effects on the digestive system

Although tea is beneficial for intestinal health, especially consuming it on an empty stomach can cause nausea and heartburn in some people. Being aware of the possible harm of tea, you can limit your own intake and make the necessary adjustments in your diet.

We wish you healthy days.

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