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Lose Weight, Stay Healthy with Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Monday, September 6, 2021

What is Intermittent fasting?

All authorities state that you cannot define intermittent fasting as a diet and underline that m intermittent fasting determines not what you eat, but when you eat bir Isn’t it an unusual discourse about nutrition?

The intermittent fasting nutrition model, which I will detail in the future, is based on consciously and planned skipping meals to create “fasting” windows and fasting for more than the time allocated to feeding.

Although the word “fasting kullanıl used in writing has similarities with religiously fasting, it should not be confused. Intermittent fasting recommends consuming plenty of fluids in fasting windows (fasting). Fasting is the term that is not taken calories, and during this period, tea, calorie-free acid drinks, water and calorie-free liquids can consume all.

These liquids do not include proof bulletproof coffee eklenmiş with butter and other macronutrient beverages.

Although there are many intermittent fasting models, there are often two types of choice

Feeding at specific intervals: In this system, which is fed at only one interval during the day, 8, 6 or 4 hours of saturation periods are frequently used. This means; You will be hungry for about 16 hours in 24 hours and you will feed for 8 hours.

Fasting for 24 hours by skipping two meals: For example, a normal 24-hour fast is fed until 8.00 at night. The next day until 8.00 in the morning and noon meals at 8.00 in the evening by skipping the evening meal is finished.

Stay hungry, skip breakfast, avoid getting any calories for a long time; there are many studies claiming that they are harmful to health. In addition, I will try to refer to many scientific studies in the following chapters of our article that controlled intermittent fasting is beneficial for health and weight control.

How does Intermittent fasting work?

Intermittent fasting, hunger and satiety as two periods.

After eating, the body spends several hours digesting and transferring the nutrients to the blood. The amount of insulin hormone in the blood increases. This promotes the storage of glucose (some as glycogen, some as fat) in the blood.

In addition, during the 3-5 hours after feeding, the energy you need is supplied from ready-to-digest nutrients in the blood. It is very difficult to burn the stored fats after feeding because there is already glucose in your blood that is needed to produce energy after meals.

After eating during hunger, the mechanisms described above start to work. Decreasing the amount of glucose in the blood also reduces insulin production. Decreased production of insulin hormone helps glucose and fat to pass through and break down into the blood. The energy you need is now available from stored sources (fat and carbonhydrate), since blood glucose is low.

Your body inserts nutrients into the cell through insulin and uses it efficiently. Regular and high amounts of carbohydrate taken by the body causes resistance to insulin. This resistance causes you to gain weight, increase the risk of developing many diseases and many other undesirable conditions.

During intermittent fasting, the amount of insulin in the blood decreases during the fasting process. A reduced amount of insulin makes your body more sensitive to insulin. Increased insulin sensitivity allows your body to use nutrients more accurately.

This will return to you as you decrease your fat and increase your muscle mass. At the same time low blood sugar increases your growth hormone (1,2). Increased growth hormone helps both your muscles grow and accelerate your fat burning.

How is Intermittent fasting done?

The intermittent fasting system has many different applications. However, I will mention two of the most commonly used feeding systems.

Daily system

This system consists of 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of satiety per day. Even if the program tells you that you can eat anything you want in 8 hours you need to be full, I advise you to stay away from simple carbohydrates and salt.

If you are doing sports, it is beneficial to hang your satiety period after the exercise. In this way, you can meet the protein carbohydrates and fats you need after exercise. You can also increase or decrease this time, although the optimal fasting time is 16 hours.

I can easily recommend 18 hours when I consider it necessary for my patients.

You should organize your hunger and satiety periods according to your activity during the day. You need to starve for 16 hours in 24 hours. You can use this period at any time during the day.

The fact that the periods of hunger and satiety come to the same hours in the long term helps your body to adapt to the system and provide you with a more comfortable diet experience.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to make frequent changes, even if minor changes are acceptable.

Alternative system

The alternative system includes 24 hours of saturation after 24 hours of fasting. So if you ate your last meal at 8.00 (20.00) at night, you should go hungry until 8.00 (20.00) the next day. After 24 hours of hunger, you are free until the next day.

Be careful not to exercise heavily during fasting 24-hour periods. This may cause your blood sugar to fall and make you feel bad.

I don’t use this system in my patients because it can cause too much stress. But you need to know that there is such a system in theory.

5: 2 system

This system includes a structure designed to mimic the hunger you experience during your intermittent fasting process.

This system consists of a normal diet five days a week and a planned hunger process two days a week. During the week you choose 500-800 calories in two consecutive days you do not allow your body to starve.

This system is generally recommended to people who have an irregular lifestyle but are eager to apply intermittent fasting.

Things to consider

Consume plenty of fluids. During periods of hunger or satiety, you should consume plenty of fluids. The liquid you consume does not have to be water. Sugar and sweetener-free plants, fruit teas, coffee can be.

Calculate the nutrients you receive. Do not let your eyes turn during the toughness period. You can eat the food you want (with the condition of being healthy) but the amount of calories you need to eat is still constant.

If possible, eat a healthy diet, prefer raw foods and keep your carbohydrate, protein and fat intake balanced. You can use the macro nutrient calculation tool to calculate macro nutrient intake.

Don’t focus on hunger. If you do intermittent fasting, you will be hungry for a long time. It will force your will to think that you are constantly hungry. Fasting the full hours of the day allows you not to focus on hunger.

It’s normal for you to feel hungry. If you’ve just started intermittent fasting, it’s natural to feel hungry. Your body will adapt to it in about 3 weeks (maybe less).

Don’t interrupt your meals. You should use the feeding time well and feed as usual (2 to 4 meals).

Get low carb. Low carb diet is always my favorite. Low carbohydrate nutrition, which has an important role in reducing insulin resistance and weight control, is also suitable for healthy living.

Why intermittent fasting?

You are now aware of how the intermitttent fasting nutrition system acts on your body. So why should you try intermittent fasting? Here are a few simple answers!

Simplifies your day

You don’t have to take time to eat, prepare food or pack up your meals during the day. A few meals will save you time. You can spend this time with your loved ones or spend time with yourself.

Your brain functions are enhanced

Feeding frequently provides the energy your brain needs regularly. Yeah, that’s true, but look at it from the other side.

Frequent and high carbohydrate foods cause oxidative stress. This can cause your brain to age and weaken your memory. It has also been shown in animal experiments that oxidative stress can cause cell membrane damage, leading to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

A factor called BDNF in the brain allows your brain cells to develop and indirectly to increase your memory. Research shows that intermittent fasting, as in exercise, increases the amount of BDNF.

In addition, calorie restriction can stimulate brain stem cells and make you more creative, creative and rational.

Can reduce the risk of diabetes

Changing diets and increasing calorie intake with increasing insulin resistance is one of the biggest reasons for the increase in the frequency of diabetes in our century. In animal experiments, insulin sensitivity increased with calorie restriction.

Based on this, intermittent fasting may reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Here I should also state that people with type 1 diabetes should not intermittent fasting. Long hunger can cause severe hypoglycemia with insulin.

You can find detailed information about diabetes treatment in my guide to type 2 diabetes.

Reduce the risk of heart disease

Cardiological diseases are the result of malnutrition and lifestyle. In a study of 500 people at the University of Utah, individuals with intermittent fasting once a month reduced the likelihood of finding a blocked vessel by 40%.

In addition, an increase in HDL (good cholesterol) levels and a decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol) levels were found in blood cholesterol measurements performed in patients who performed intermittent fasting for 3 weeks.

The normalization of high blood pressure in humans receiving intermittent fasting has not yet been confirmed by animal experiments.

Can reduce cancer risk

Even if there are no studies on human beings, it is determined that animals who have been intermittent fasting for 16 weeks have a 33% chance of developing some types of cancer.

It is worth noting that during the experiment, mice were fed with the same nutrients and only one group was hungry during certain processes.

I also have a comprehensive nutrition guide for weight loss. For more information you can go to my article I want to lose weight.

Can make you live longer

Calorie restriction or prolonged starvation reactivates the regeneration mechanisms at the cell level. The more renewed cells, the longer the living body.

Furthermore, research shows that subjects have higher coenzyme q10 levels at the cell level during fasting. In fact, it’s important not to miss this simple-looking detail. Because some studies have shown that coenzyme q10 may be related to life expectancy.

Of course, chronic diseases and metabolic problems that affect life expectancy and explained above can be prevented by intermittent fasting.

Weight loss with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a very beneficial and beneficial diet in the clinic. Aside from this, I want to explain a little more about the weight loss process with intermittent fasting.

The first issue concerns working individuals. As you know, it is very difficult to work properly in busy individuals. It is not applicable at all to recommend frequent snacks.

Therefore, the application of hunger, especially during the work process, will both reduce evasion and facilitate control.

The other issue is about individuals with hormone disorders. Because we know that individuals with excess weight experience hormone disorder more often than other people.

The fasting process stabilizes many important hormones. This provides both weight loss and general health improvement.

The last issue is about ketogenic nutrition which I recommend very often. It is very difficult for some individuals to increase the level of ketone in the body during the ketogenic nutrition process. At the same time the most important thing that controls the effectiveness of the diet is the ketone level.

In the process of intermittent fasting, naturally increased blood ketone levels provide a great combination with the ketogenic diet.

Intermittent fasting: Result

Intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent fasting, helps you to regenerate your body with long periods of hunger and opens the doors for a healthier life for you. It is also my only advice to combine this diet with low-carb, high-fat macros.

I also answered many questions about intermittent fasting through comments. If you have any questions, I strongly recommend that you review the comments.

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