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Natural and Scientific Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Bad eating habits, increased body weight and the harm of packaged foods rich in refined sugar have memorized the harms as many people name.

The most important of these damages is also the hero of this writing; height of sugar!

Many people suffer from high sugar and are looking for ways to lower sugar to avoid harm. At this point, I have brought together nutrition, phytotherapy and lifestyle experiences from my type 1 and 2 diabetic patients.

How does blood sugar rise?

I need to start because you have to lower your sugar first. Because it is difficult to gather enough power to act without grasping the importance of the issue.

The journey begins with the food you throw in your mouth. After chewing, the food you send to your stomach by swallowing is mixed with stomach acid and becomes pure. Partially digested and still digested foods begin to pass from your stomach to the intestines.

This is where most of the absorption will take place. Because the small intestine after the stomach called the villi in the small intestine, the nutrients are more easily absorbed.

The absorbed nutrients pass into the blood. There are two important points here. Nutrient absorption rate and content.

If you have consumed fast-absorbing and intense carbohydrate-containing nutrients, the amount of sugar geçen glucose geçen instantly increases into the blood. This increases the concentration of sugar in the blood. And then?

How is blood sugar checked?

Increased sugar should be taken into the cells and the blood density should be reduced. Otherwise, it becomes harmful.

At that point, the task remains to the insulin hormone. Increased sugar stimulates insulin release. The insulin hormone released from the pancreas stimulates the sugar to enter the cells. It also allows the storage of sugar molecules entering the cells.

This is exactly where the type 1 and 2 diabetic patients are separated. In patients with type 1 diabetes, high blood sugar is seen in the body due to insulin deficiency, because insulin secreting cells are damaged.

In type 2 diabetes patients, mean  sugar increases due to poor nutrition, overweight and similar factors. This causes continuous insulin release. Cells become insensitive due to increased insulin secretion. So insulin resistance occurs. Excessive resistance will cause sugar not to be reduced at some point.

As a result, in “diabetes” and in many other cases, high sugar is a problem for us and we try to lower it. Although sometimes we need medications, only natural supplements, nutrients and lifestyle changes are sufficient.

Ways to lower blood sugar

The reason I explained how sugar rose was because I had no difficulty teaching her how to intervene. Now that you know the process, you no longer just have to tell the tricks.

Fiber or fatty nutrition

How you digest them is as important as what you consume. I’m sure there’s a flash of light in your head at this point.

Don’t worry, you’re not the first. The same thing was tried in previous researches on the subject. Nutrients that slow down digestion or reduce the rate of absorption of digested foods make sugar rise more slowly. This indirectly means that sugar can be lowered more easily.

Foods that slow down digestion and make absorption more difficult are those with fiber and fat. You see how important it is to eat a salad or at least cook the right amount of food with the right amount of fat?

In addition, if you prefer natural and animal fat sources, you will put some natural CLA into your body.

Natural CLA makes your cells more sensitive to insulin and lower blood sugar more easily.

Exercise after meal

When sugar rises, the only way is to pull it into the cell and use or store it. At this point, you can imagine that the storage process is longer and painful.

The other option is to use it as energy.

A short walk after meals shows that glucose tolerance increases, sugar and blood pressure decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to position the diet according to exercise in individuals with uncontrolled sugar levels.

So if you are exercising in the evening, it is best to position the heaviest meal before the evening workout to check your sugar.

Excessive exercise is an exception.

Increased physical stress in this type of exercise causes increased sugar. But in the long term, rising sugar is recovered by falling below the average of normal people.

Sleep and stress factors

Your body has excellent insurance mechanisms for survival. Of these, the hormone that concerns us now is cortisol.

This hormone, which is released in stress and facilitates survival by controlling many different mechanisms in the body, also increases sugar.

In this way, it is possible to sustain the “war and run” response. Think of it, increasing stress in a sudden animal attack or insomnia during migration increases your sugar and provides energy to move.

No problems here. The problem is that the stress in everyday life becomes chronic. I’m talking about insomnia or mental stress.

These effects prevent your sugar from falling and keep it constantly high. So if you want to lower your sugar, you should first reduce the insomnia and mental stress that keeps it high.

I have two articles on the subject: Sleep Guide and Getting Rid of Chronic Stress.

Sugar-lowering plants and nutrients

We need to move from protective advice to radical measures. As you know, plants can have effects that can compete with medicines on some subjects.

One of these issues is sugar. Here are some of the plants and supplements I prefer to prescribe to my patients.

Cinnamon: Now they beat the unknown. Yes, I have no objection. Cinnamon can be used to lower sugar.

Broccoli sprouts: The active ingredients are tens of times higher than normal broccoli. Of course, so are the effects. It can be recommended in nutritional processes to reduce blood insulin levels in particular.

Fenugreek: My favorite support in diabetics. It should be used with caution because its effects are very strong.

Turmeric: Curcumin, which is still under research, can help to reduce sugar with the active ingredient curcumin.

The most important issue here is the fact that if you want a real effect, you should use specially prepared extracts instead of powdered turmeric. Because the active ingredient of curcumin is very weak and quickly deteriorates in your stomach.

Vinegar: A supplement that should be used in meals containing high carbohydrates. I recommend my patients to eat apple cider vinegar after waking up if they are going to have breakfast.

Psyllium: It is a fiber product. It can be preferred especially in individuals whose nutrition cannot be controlled.

Blueberries: Although it is a great nutrient in our country is not easy to find as fresh. So it’s not my first choice.

I usually recommend it to my patients overseas. It is also a great antioxidant.

Garlic: Insulin resistance in individuals with fat tissue activation and burning should be preferred as a support to help.

Also alpha lipoic acid, chromium and vitamin D can be used to lower sugar.

There are many details here, as chromium supplementation must be given under the supervision of a doctor, since vitamin D supplementation should not be used except for deficiency and there is a need for a good follow-up for alpha lipoic acid.

Also underestimating these supports is a mistake you should not make. I recommend that you consult your doctor before taking these supplements, especially if you are taking additional medications to lower sugar.

Now you know everything you need to do to lower the sugar. Don’t forget to ask me about your comments through comments.

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