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Magnesium Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, Supplements

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Magnesium deficiency is a very common condition in the clinic. It is a mineral that is often overlooked, unlike its surprising appearance.

Therefore, the problems related to magnesium deficiency is trying to pass through different drugs. The result is often frustration!

The problem is that it is not so simple to leave unresolved. That’s why I want you to look at the magnesium deficiency.

In this article, we outlined the causes, symptoms and considerations of magnesium deficiency.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is involved in nearly 300 biological reactions in the body.

Her reactions also include cellular metabolism, muscle contraction, and neurological signal transduction. Therefore, it enables the maintenance of vital functions.

When I come to the present day, I see that magnesium deficiency is frequently experienced due to the changing lifestyle, the drugs used and the nutritional problems of many people.

How serious is the situation?

Lack of magnesium: As an infectious disease!

Magnesium deficiency now concerns everyone. Because the research shows that the intake of magnesium is almost halved and insufficient compared to the 1900s.

You’re thinking about the magnesium levels in your blood tests. Because most of the time these values are observed naturally.

Is everything normal? No, there’s something you’ve jumped!

The amount of magnesium in the blood accounts for about 1% of the level in your body. In addition, the level of magnesium in the blood is increased by supplementing from other tissues.

So the light magnesium deficiency is not something that can be seen with blood tests.

Even studies have shown that magnesium deficiency may be present even in individuals with normal blood magnesium levels.

What are the risk factors for magnesium deficiency?

Let’s start to examine now.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

The mechanism of magnesium deficiency depends on many factors. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get rid of deficiency without knowing these factors and trying to solve them.

I have listed the reasons for your significant magnesium deficiency below.

Consumption of acidic beverages: The consumption of acidic beverages along with food has become a social habit. But this is not as simple as it seems.

Because phosphate in the acidic beverages consumed connects magnesium. This causes the valuable magnesium in the dish to be removed without absorption.

Continuous consumption of coffee and tea together with the consumption of acidic beverages lead to magnesium deficiency.

Especially those who consume more than one cup of coffee and tea a day should pay attention to this issue.

Excessive sugar intake: Processed and sugary foods accelerate the excretion of magnesium from the kidneys. This is the main reason for the majority of the population to experience magnesium deficiency.

We can also see magnesium deficiency in low-carbohydrates. This does not mean that low-carbohydrate diets are unhealthy.

In fact, the ketone flu at the very beginning of the ketogenic diet is often due to magnesium deficiency.

Calcium supplements to use: To protect your bones, you should use a calcium-containing supplement. If you take the calcium supplement without magnesium, you can open a serious magnesium deficiency.

Alcohol intake: Alcohol has diuretic properties. This may cause chronic alcohol consumption to cause a deficiency in the kidneys due to permanent magnesium loss.

Drug use: Some drugs may reduce magnesium excretion, absorption and use. You should pay attention to these medications and make magnesium supplements for long-term use.

Notice that you are using one or more of the following medications continuously.

  • Antibiotics (tetracycline group).
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-acid and PPI.
  • Treatment of anti-arrhythmic and chronic heart failure (especially digital and amiodarone).
  • Especially patients who use stomach medication, ie antiacid and ppi, suffer from severe magnesium deficiency.

Because the nutrients cannot be digested enough and cannot be absorbed.

I also recommend that you do not use external stomach medication if you are not required.

Advanced age: The only mechanism that you cannot control the lack of magnesium is age progression. Because the aging body needs more magnesia for rebuilding and for the continuation of reactions.

In addition, impaired bowel structure mechanisms may cause less absorption of magnesium.

When menopause is involved with advanced age, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency may be more serious.

Many of my patients in the menopause process say they feel less tense after using magnesium.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is often ignored. Because without a serious lack of life does not threaten.

The situations that do not threaten life are often tried to be treated without questioning the reason, and unfortunately, there is a different intervention.

Magnesium is the case. The deficiency disturbing the patient with vague findings may not be recognized as “subclinical Hast.

Here are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency you need to know:

Stubborn cramps: Long-term recurrent cramps, especially at night, indicate magnesium deficiency.
Sleep problems: Magnesium deficiency should be examined, especially in sleep problems associated with restless legs.
Muscle aches and weakness: Long-term muscle pain and weakness may be associated with magnesium.
Anxiety: Magnesium levels are important in panic problems together with vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

Magnesium, disease and treatment relationship

In some diseases, magnesium supplementation can be of great benefit. I’ve witnessed in my clinic and tried to rank the proven effects below.

Cardiovascular diseases: Magnesium helps smooth muscles in the vein and relax your blood pressure.

This means that your risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced.
Headaches: Magnesium is a supplement that must be tried, especially in chronic headaches. Especially during the emergency, I have seen that many patients experience less chronic headaches with magnesium supplementation.

Bone melting: Magnesium helps important actors that activate bone structure, such as vitamin D and calcium, perform their functions. Therefore, magnesium has an important place to improve bone health.

Fibromyalgia: In fibromyalgia, which is very similar to chronic muscle pain and has no clear treatment, magnesium supplementation helps to relieve pain.

Premensturial syndrome: Magnesium can be used to relieve PMS attacks in women that significantly reduce pre-menstrual quality of life. Again, I have many patients in the emergency room that I recommend that I use magnesium and get rid of painkillers every month.

ADHD: Magnesium deficiency makes severe hyperactivity. This may lead to a deterioration of the condition in patients with ADHD. Therefore, magnesium may be tested in people who have ADHD problems and who have recently worsened.

Constipation: Magnesium deficiency can cause persistent constipation. Therefore, my suggestion for cases of constipation which cannot be found will be to try magnesium supplementation
We’ve got everything here. So how do you plan to bring such an important mineral into your life?

To help you, I’ll start by sorting the foods containing magnesium right away.

Foods containing magnesium

The first option to keep magnesium levels high is to be fed correctly. If you are fed correctly, you will not need to purchase magnesium from the outside.

RDA values ​​should be mentioned here. RDA is translated as recommended daily eating.

Although the need for magnesium varies depending on gender, age and other factors, the average RDA is between 200 and 400 mg.

But the truth and values ​​are more than necessary. I would also like to add that you need more magnesium in your physician’s control.

Most magnesium-containing sources,

Pumpkin seeds,
Bone juice,
can be listed as. My advice will be in the direction of spinach, avocado and bone juice.

Magnesium supplement

Lack of absorption or malnutrition makes it difficult to meet magnesium requirements from foods. In such cases you need to get magnesium supplements.

Magnesium supplement types and usage areas:

Magnesium Glycinate: Although it is a bit expensive and difficult to find, it is the best type in terms of bioavailability (body’s capacity to assess the substance). Therefore, it is used as the first choice in serious deficiencies.

Magnesium citrate: Easily available and relatively good bioavailability. I recommend this type of magnesium, especially for patients suffering from constipation because citrate softens the stool.

Magnesium Chloride: Although it is a type with less bioavailability than other magnesium compounds, I recommend it especially for patients who have gastric acid deficiency. Because chloride has a characteristic that supports stomach acid secretion.

Magnesium malate: I recommend magnesium malate when I recommend magnesium in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Because of the degraded intracellular energy production processes, both magnesium and malic acid help.

I do not recommend the use of magnesium oxalate. Because his bioavailability is minimal. Most of the magnesium oxalate taken is removed without use.

The odd part of the work is the magnesium oxalate, the majority of the magnesium supports produced.

You are now well aware of the lack of magnesium. So what do you think? Don’t forget to share with me!

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