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Guide to Healthy Living with Polycystic Ovary (PCOS)

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The development of diagnostic methods and increased effort on health has now made it easier to diagnose diseases. For this reason, individuals began to think of completely different diseases and their consequences from an early age. Spelling will actually be about life with polycystic ovaries (PCOS), which is why many women have often asked for a long time.

What is polycystic ovary in writing? question of polycystic ovary (pcos) symptoms, polycystic ovary treatment, polycystic ovaries, lifestyle in many issues will be discussed.

What is polycystic ovary?

Polycystic ovary is a disease caused by hormonal disorders affecting approximately 10% to 20% of women in the community. This hormonal disorder is the disruption of the female predominant hormonal order, and consequently the deterioration of the ovulation cycle in women every month and the shift of the hormonal cycle towards the male side.

Of course, this leads to many problems. I will examine these problems later in the article.

Another important point here is the presence of ovarian cysts in some individuals and not in some individuals. For this reason, the diagnostic feature of ovarian cysts, not hormonal disorder. Because cyst is not a cause but a result.

Polycystic ovary symptoms

In polycystic ovary (PCOS) patients, symptoms begin to appear in the early twenties. Most common findings

Irregular period,
Hair loss,
Male pattern hair,
Fast weight gain,
Difficulties in getting pregnant,
can be sorted as.

What causes polycystic ovary?

With the diagnosis of polycystic ovary, one question comes to mind. What can I see next?

Polycystic ovary (PCOS) is a hormone-based disease, as I mentioned earlier, and the risk of certain diseases is increased. Some of those,

Insulin resistance,
Sleep apnea,
Cardiovascular diseases,
Endometrial cancer,
can be sorted as.

This ranking certainly does not upset you. You just need to know how serious the consequences are. In the following, I will explain how to fight polycystic ovary and lead a healthy life.

Polycystic ovarian treatment principles

Treatment of polycystic ovary includes medication and lifestyle changes. I’m definitely not going to give you any advice on medication. In general, although the drug protocols are clear, you should discuss this with your gynecologist.

You should also know that there is no cure for polycystic ovary. Don’t let the title fool you. Our aim is to prevent diseases that may be caused by polycystic ovary and to ensure that you maintain a healthy life. Because if you live correctly as polycystic ovaries, you will often be no different from a normal woman, and as long as you continue to live correctly, you will be treated largely.

As polycystic ovaries, I have three things to consider. Let’s examine the headlines.

Polycystic ovary and nutrition

In women with polycystic ovary, the first thing that develops is hormonal balance, which is insulin resistance. The resulting insulin resistance causes more insulin secretion, more insulin secretion and weight gain leads to more LH and more androgen (male hormone group).

In short, the more your insulin resistance gets worse, the more the polycystic ovary begins to show itself. The more the polycystic ovary manifests itself, the more insulin resistance occurs, and the vicious circle becomes inextricable if you do not move correctly.

Therefore, our main focus in polycystic ovaries is insulin resistance and the lowest possible weight. To achieve this, we need to modify the methods used by healthy individuals.

Now we can move on to our main question. How should women with polycystic ovaries be fed?

Insulin resistance and insulin resistance guide is a very broad name. If you have time, read it!

Low Carbohydrate: As I have mentioned in many articles before, the only thing to do to overcome insulin resistance is to choose a low carbohydrate diet. This is the best way to make your body insulin-sensitive in the long run.

If you have a really serious insulin resistance, your ketogenic diet will benefit you. If you are having difficulty with a ketogenic diet, a low carb diet is a good option for you.

Particularly low calorie would make sense in reversing insulin resistance to type-2 diabetes.

But if you are unsuccessful about low carbohydrates, it is reasonable to buy carbohydrates from foods with low glycemic index.

Using long nutrition intervals: Contrary to popular belief, fasting between meals for a long time – if you can – is another simple way to break your insulin resistance. Although many people recommend feeding frequently, research shows that long periods of fasting are superior to feeding often.

The prominent nutrition protocol is intermittent fasting. Combining low carbohydrate nutrition (even ketogenic diet) with intermittent fasting will increase your benefit.

Metformin, which is very important for breaking insulin resistance and weight loss with nutrition, should be included in the diet if it is approved by the physician.

Polycystic ovary and exercise

We know that insulin resistance and weight loss regress almost all of the symptoms in polycystic ovaries in the long term – often alone. In this context, individuals with polycystic ovary can change and insulin resistance, weight control, hormonal order is very important to set out.

For this reason, as in the nutrition section, we also address insulin resistance and weight control in the exercise title.

High Intensity Interval Exercises: This type of exercise is known for creating more calorie deficit and producing more insulin sensitivity at the hormonal level. There is a spelling named HIIT on the form with this topic. You should read.

Weight training: A topic that women have expressed in many circles, and as I have seen, is very scared is to increase muscle mass too much. In fact, women with hormonal barriers, nutrition and other anatomical reasons are unlikely to build excessive muscle mass through simple exercises.

However, weight training is probably the best type of exercise for severe and dangerous insulin resistance in individuals with polycystic ovary. The fact that the muscle cells make the insulin receptors in their membranes more sensitive and that it builds continuously in the long term makes it almost a treatment in itself.

Polycystic Ovary and Frequently Asked Questions

I would like to answer some of the frequently asked questions of individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome. If you have any other concerns, you can send a comment.

I’m nervous and unhappy. Why is that?

Impaired hormonal balance can make you unhappy. However, bad body appearance may also make women unhappy about this already sensitive.

How to do weight training?

We talked that weight training breaks insulin resistance, facilitates weight loss and improves impaired hormonal balance. For this reason, you may think how and how much weight training should be done.

To get enough effect, it is best to train at least three days a week and at least thirty minutes a day. Creating weight training with compound exercises will help you achieve more insulin sensitivity and help you lose weight by burning more calories in a short time. To learn about compound exercises, you can read the spelling at compound vs isolated exercise.

Can polycystic ovary be treated?

There is currently no way to treat polycystic ovary. The main goal here is to reduce the damage and damage caused by polycystic ovary, to relieve complaints. For this reason, it is best to keep your morale and live with the least damage from the polycystic ovary.

How does acne, hair growth, menstrual irregularity, hair loss go?

Acne, hair growth, menstrual irregularity and hair loss, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, hormone-induced problems. Correcting the hormonal disorder with the advice I give can help alleviate these problems or even completely disappear them.

My suggestions for people who have been following me for a long time will not be unfamiliar. Do not underestimate these suggestions and try to apply them more strictly. If people with polycystic ovary act correctly, they will have a life similar to normal women.

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