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Causes that slow down weight loss

Monday, September 6, 2021

Obesity, which is known to have a close relationship with cancer, is one of the 10 most risky diseases list by the World Health Organization. Although the sedentary lifestyle that increases with the development of technology that facilitates human life is one of the reasons that prevent weight loss, there are many factors that cause obesity.

In addition to the genetic structure, the negative changes in culture, environmental factors, eating and moving habits increase the incidence of obesity throughout the society. Obesity, which negatively affects the quality of life and is characterized by an excessive increase in the amount of fat in the body, is a disease that has become widespread in our country for the last 30-35 years and also causes many chronic diseases.

However, if weight cannot be lost despite diet and exercise, the underlying causes should be examined. There are many factors that make it difficult to lose weight.

Genetic predisposition

Genetic predisposition may be the underlying reason for not losing weight, also known as resistant weight. If the person’s family has an overweight person or people, or if the family has a slow rate of weight loss, the cause may be genetic.

According to studies based on body mass index, people who have obesity, excess weight or inability to lose weight in their first degree relatives face the situation of not being able to lose weight twice as much as the general population.

Genes that have a great influence on nutritional habits may be disorders related to carbohydrate and fat storage, disorders that cause appetite or cause the person to eat as a relief mechanism, and abnormalities in the regulation of the energy store by the nutrition center. The presence of people who have difficulty losing weight in the family is effective on not being able to lose weight.

Low-Calorie Diet Experience

Low-calorie diets, which are not under the supervision of a dietician, are made to lose weight quickly, are often aimed at getting rid of excess weight by being hungry. However, such diets are not sustainable because there is no balanced and adequate nutrition.

As a result of low-calorie diets that cannot be made a part of life, are not supported by exercise and not prepared for the person by the dietician, the body starts to slow down the metabolism by protecting itself because it cannot be fed enough.

After a while, it can cause many conditions such as headache, irritability, fatigue, nausea, constipation, low blood pressure, impaired heart rhythm, anemia and depression. In this type of diet, in which the person stops making himself feeling physically and mentally unhealthy, excessive desire for the foods that are tried not to be consumed, and the lost weight is rapidly recovered.

Repetitive diets in this way make it difficult to lose weight and increase the risk of obesity as well as eating disorders. The presence of a low-calorie experience previously made slows down the body’s response to other diets, making it difficult to lose weight.

Antidepressant and cortisol-derived drug use

As a result of the use of tricyclic and monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant drugs used in the treatment of depression, some people may experience the problem of not losing weight. Cortisol, which is used in the treatment of many diseases, can also gain weight.

It is beneficial to increase the daily activity as people who use these drugs may experience the problem of not losing weight. Performing gentle exercises under the control of a doctor facilitates weight loss by preventing fat storage. You should not stop the antidepressant and cortisol-derived medicines you use without your doctor’s control.

Menopause period

With the advancing age, the amount of energy needed by the body decreases during the menopause, which is a natural process that occurs as a result of decreased estrogen and progesterone hormone secretion and the end of menstruation completely.

In this period, in which the decrease in the amount of estrogen, which causes the decrease in the basal metabolic rate, is experienced, the lubrication increases and nutritional requirements also differ. Failure to lose weight is a common complaint during menopause. The problem of inability to lose weight is overcome with the nutrition program specially prepared by a specialist dietician and daily physical activity.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, a chronic endocrine disease that is seen with hairiness, acne, menstrual irregularity or absence, infertility and weight gain symptoms on the face and body, makes it difficult to lose weight. The disease, which is difficult to adapt to nutrition therapy and exercise program, causes an increase in the body weight of the person.

Accordingly, the adipose tissue in the body increases. This creates hormonal imbalance, which is both the cause and the consequence of the disease. For this reason, it is extremely important to follow the nutrition program specially prepared by the dietician.

Hormonal disorder

Hormones, which play an important role in the healthy functioning of the body, are chemicals that keep many systems in balance by allowing the organs in the body to work and communicate in harmony. More or less of one or more of the different chemicals such as aldesterone, progesterone, cortisol, estrogen, prolactin, ACTH and growth hormones can slow weight loss.

The thyroid gland adjusts the calories consumed by the metabolism at rest. Hypothyroidism, known as the underworking of the thyroid gland, is one of the main causes of weight gain by causing the metabolism to work slowly.

As the metabolism slows down with hypothyroidism, it becomes difficult for the carbohydrates to break down and the sugar in the blood to enter the cells. As a result, insensitivity to more secreted insulin hormone develops and insulin resistance occurs.

This condition, which causes insulin to be stored in the body, not only makes it difficult to lose weight, but also causes weight gain. Insulin resistance, which causes the pancreatic gland to work hard, causes fatigue of the pancreatic gland after a while and brings with it hunger attacks.

What can you do if you have a disease that prevents weight loss?

If you are experiencing weight loss problems despite proper diet and exercise program, you may have a hormonal problem. First of all, you need to see a specialist in endocrinology and metabolism diseases.

If your doctor deems it necessary, you should have a blood test to see if there is a hormonal problem. If your blood values ​​are below or above the required range, you should apply the treatment your doctor recommends and ask a dietician to request a special nutrition program for you.

While applying the special diet program prepared for you according to your body mass index and nutritional habits, an exercise suitable for your age, body type and condition will also support the treatment. In diseases caused by some hormonal problems, the following should be noted:

  • Insulin Resistance: Carbohydrates rich in carbohydrate made with honey, fresh and dried fruits, packaged juices and foods, processed foods, potatoes, rice and white flour should not be consumed, known as monosaccharides. Olive oil should be preferred instead of butter, and boiled vegetables should be preferred instead of frying. It should be fed frequently, every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day.
  • Hypothyroidism: In addition to the use of drugs prescribed by the physician, plenty of water and fiber should be consumed. Since the body of patients with hypothyroidism is suitable to keep edema, salt-eating foods such as salt and pickles, salted olives, salted cheese should be avoided. Since protein-rich foods such as yogurt, buttermilk and milk will accelerate metabolism, it is recommended to be consumed in snacks.
  • Cushing Disease: Salt and sugar use should be restricted in the disease caused by excessive secretion of cortisol hormone. It is recommended to consume green leafy foods rich in magnesium, which help with edema.
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Low glycemic index foods such as abundant fiber vegetables should be preferred. Refined carbohydrates and sugary foods such as rice, white flour and white sugar products should be avoided. It should be fed with low-fat foods rich in protein.

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