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All About Stretching

Monday, September 6, 2021

Stretching movements are the name given to the physical exercise whole, aimed at increasing the elasticity and angle of movement by targeting certain muscle and joint groups. Stretching will increase the flexibility of the tissues, reduce injuries and injuries, increase exercise performance and allow you to be more active in daily life.

In addition, stretching movements are also used in the treatment of cramps that frequently occur.

The benefits of stretching movements

It improves blood circulation. The blood that penetrates into your tissues allows the injuries to heal faster and your muscles to develop faster.

With increasing blood circulation, you will feel more energetic.

It increases coordination.

It makes your joints and muscles more flexible. Regular stretching exercises accelerate the healing of injuries and reduce the risk of injury.

With the signals it sends to the brain, stretching movements reduce stress and help you relax.

It helps to improve your posture.

When are stretching movements done?

Do not apply stretching movements before warming up. The increased heart rate during the warm-up process helps your muscles fill your blood and prepare you for physical activities such as exercise and stretching.

Yawning movements send signals to your central nervous system to increase the desire to sleep. The stretching movements you will do before exercise can decrease the tension of your muscles with the increasing desire to sleep. In this respect, you should not only practice warm-up stretching exercises before exercising.

After exercise, you should definitely apply stretching movements to distribute the blood that concentrates in your muscles correctly and to maintain the flexibility of your muscles.

Flex your neck

Tilt your head forward, back, right and left. Do not turn your head while tilting, this may lead to injuries. After tilting your head in one direction, first turn your head and then tilt your head to the other side.

The shoulders should be straight while tilting your head to the left and right.

While tilting your head back, release your chin and let your mouth open a little.

Flex your shoulder

Help with the arm on the opposite side while bringing your arm on the side you stretch closer to your chest.

Pull your arm until you feel the strain on your shoulder.

Another way to stretch your shoulder is to push the lever on the side you will stretch opposite to the opposite side that helps. On the one hand, the contracted shoulder muscles will also help you flex.

Flex your back arm (triceps)

Bend one arm by holding it behind your head and hold the opposite arm between your shoulder blades.

Stretch your back arm by moving your elbow up and back after you have grasped your hands.

Anatomically, some people may not reach their hands. This is not a problem. You should keep your hands as close as possible to each other.

Flex your back

Extend your arms forward.

Cross your fingers into each other crosswise.

Feel your muscles stretched by pulling your back back while pushing your hands forward.

Flex your wrist

Extend your arm forward.

Hold your palm facing the back with your hand on the opposite side.

Combining your fingers, push them backwards.

Stretch your quadriceps

Get up to balance by holding one foot up.

Pull your foot towards your hip.

Stretch your feet (calves)

Hold your toes while your heel touches the floor.

Do not bend your knees and flex your calves.

Stretch your hamstring

Sit on the ground and stretch one leg forward.

Then hold your toes.

Move your body towards your foot that you stretch forward.

Flex your lower body

Lie on your back and stretch your leg up.

Hold your legs at a distance from your hands and pull them towards you.

Flex your inner leg

Sit on the ground and assemble your soles facing each other.

Slowly lower your knees down to the ground.

Make sure your hands and feet are united.

Flex your waist

Lie on your back and fold your leg and hold it with your hands and knees.

Pull your leg towards you.

Stretch your chin

Tilt your head slightly forward and open your mouth to grasp your chin with your hand.

Flex your chin by moving it to the left and right.

If you are disabled on this page where you will find basic stretching exercises, apply only under the control of a doctor.


Carefully practice stretching exercises to prevent injuries.

It is normal for you to feel pain during stretching movements. If the pain is excessive and stinging, do not continue stretching.
Wear flexible clothing.

As your muscles flex, stay immobile at the flexing point for 10-15 seconds. (The myotatic reflex that occurs in the muscles prevents your muscles from flexing for 10-12 seconds)

Practice stretching movements daily.

If you are having sleep problems, try to stretch your body 15 minutes before going to bed instead of sleeping pills.

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