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Iodine Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Iodine deficiency is a very common situation. Therefore, you should know the causes and symptoms of iodine deficiency and act correctly.

I have entered micronutrient deficiencies with vitamin B12. Similarly, Iodine deficiency, which I find very often, is my second stop. Because the frequency of iodine deficiency is increasing dramatically and many healthy people are not aware of the situation.

It is also very easy to avoid iodine deficiency.

While this is the case, I want to give you everything you need regarding iodine deficiency.

Why is iodine deficiency important?

I mentioned that iodine deficiency is very common. And do you know how serious the situation is? Because he alone doesn’t explain the missing word and the violence.

We know that there is a lack of iodine in a third of the Earth. I also want you to know that the risk is increasing in our country with poor iodine soil.

Aside from these factors, iodine intake decreases with time passing. So people consume less iodine than in the past. Research shows that iodine deficiency is four times more frequent than in previous years.

Ok, the lack of iodine is very frequent. But what does that famous iodine do? You may be asking. I’il tell you right now.

Iodine molecules are used in the production of thyroid hormones that are very important in the body. These hormones, known as T3 and T4, link with almost all of your cells and regulate their function.

Thyroid hormones are so important that they control many important structures from the development of intelligence, growth, immune system to the digestive system. You will understand the details of this topic much better in the signs of iodine deficiency.

Also iodine deficiency,
May be associated with breast cancer,
It can cause cardiovascular diseases,
It can increase the risk of many thyroid diseases.
Therefore, the only risk associated with iodine deficiency is not disruption of thyroid hormones!

Causes of iodine deficiency

The main cause of iodine deficiency is nutrition. Because the only source of iodine that is not produced in the body is diet. Here, if you look at many factors that change iodine intake, absorption and need at the same time, you can better understand the problem.

The causes of iodine deficiency can be listed as follows.

Individuals who do not use iodine-strengthened salt or have had salt restrictions for a long time may experience severe deficiency because they receive less iodine.

Vegan and vegetarian individuals may experience severe iodine deficiency due to lack of animal nutrients.

Foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and soy disrupt the iodine chain if consumed raw.

Smoking and excessive exposure to fluorine reduce iodine absorption.

Pregnancy is a period when the need for iodine increases. Therefore, the limit values ​​may fall into the iodine deficiency category for pregnancy.

Iodine deficiency is also linked to geography. Unfortunately, our country has a serious handicap in this regard, and everyone is at risk of iodine deficiency living in Turkey.

I see this seriously in my own patients, and I’m almost on the routine list of iodine tests. Because everyone but everyone is damaged!

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

You know no one is safe in terms of iodine deficiency. Do you have iodine deficiency? There are a few issues that may raise suspicion before proceeding and I would like to share them with you.

Sudden weight gain.

Thyroid hormones are one of the most important elements regulating metabolic rate. If iodine deficiency reaches a serious size and the level of thyroid hormones decreases, your metabolism slows down. Slowing metabolism causes you to spend less calories and the remaining calories are stored as fat, resulting in sudden weight gain.

Feeling cold.

If your metabolism slows down, your body’s ability to produce heat decreases. This makes you feel more cold than usual.

Mental performance loss.

Thyroid hormones directly affect your brain cells. Decreased thyroid hormones cause your mental performance to decrease and you feel tired all the time. In fact, it is known that individuals with iodine deficiency in childhood have less than normal brain development.

Frequent illness.

One of the factors that activate and control your cells in the immune system is thyroid hormones. Therefore, iodine deficiency causes damage to the immune system and makes you more susceptible to diseases.

Hair loss.

Hair cells are renewed very quickly. Therefore, rapid metabolism is closely related to thyroid hormones. The rapid loss of hair can be a sign of iodine deficiency.

Feeling tired.

I mentioned that cell metabolism is directly related to thyroid hormones. The metabolic slowdown I mentioned may cause chronic fatigue.

In addition, other symptoms of iodine deficiency;
Heart rate deceleration,
Fine and dry skin,
Deterioration of blood fat (especially increase in total cholesterol),
Menstrual irregularities and delay in women,
can be sorted as.

Iodine deficiency test: How is it detected?

If you are at risk for iodine deficiency and you have serious symptoms, it is very important to proceed to the examination stage.

Therefore, you need to consult your doctor. Here, while I respect my colleagues’ decisions, I would like to share my own ideas.

There are several ways to test for iodine deficiency. The first way to do this would be to conduct direct iodine levels in the blood or spot iodine in the urine.

The second way would be to indirectly investigate thyroid hormones and to provide an idea about iodine deficiency. The second option generally leads to more experience, as the routine examinations performed without any doubt make the physician think with the defective results.

Especially high TSH values ​​and normal T3 and T4 values ​​suggest k subclinical ”hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones).

If you do not want to consult your doctor, you can do a simple examination at home. Although this examination does not give a definite result, it will guide you.

First, you should take an iodine-rich iodine solution (2% concentration). Then paint a square of 2 × 2 cm on several points of your skin (the inside of your forearm is the most suitable place).

Check the spot after 24 hours. If the area you have stained is lost, you may lack iodine. If the color is still visible, your risk of iodine deficiency is less.

The test is based on the principle of iodine absorption through the skin. Absorbing the content you put on indicates that your body needs iodine. If it is not absorbed, you do not need iodine.

Why are you at risk for iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency is a common condition that many doctors, public health officials and authorities know. But there are a few points missed.

The first point is about fortified salts. Salts sold in our country must be strengthened in terms of iodine. However, in the past, “abroad araştır research has found that many“ iodine-strengthened ”salts do not contain enough iodine.

I think this is also the case in our country. Because of the lack of iodine, although salts are fortified, it is still very frequent.

The second point is poor nutrition in terms of iodine. Because people see salt as an enemy (which I don’t think). Therefore, salt restriction is made. Poor nutrition on it deepens the lack of iodine. The resulting table is a mushroom that feels healthy but iodine deficient because it reduces salt consumption.

These two points actually cover most of the society. So I don’t need to say anything more.

Foods rich in iodine

You know you’re always at risk for iodine deficiency. What you need to do about it is to add simple, iodine-rich foods to your diet.

I have listed my favorites below. You can choose one or more of these foods and include them in your daily diet.

A bowl of yogurt: 75 mcg,
One large size egg: 24 mcg,
A bowl of white beans: 64 mcg,
One prune: 2,6 mcg,
One teaspoon of iodized salt (depending on brand): 150 mcg.
Of course, along with the values ​​you need to know how much iodine a normal person needs.

Healthy person daily 150 mcg,
Pregnant or breastfeeding women 250 mcg daily,
Children and teens daily 90 to 130 mcg,
They should take iodine. Of course, age, diseases and all other variables will change the need for iodine. In that case, I don’t need to say that the table above is for informational purposes only.

As a result, iodine deficiency is common and many people are at risk. Therefore, you should pay attention to your diet, you need to be alert about the lack of iodine.

How much is your iodine intake? Don’t forget to share your ideas with me!

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